
मंगलवार, 5 मार्च 2013



We are indeed a strange society. Men revere women, treat them with gentleness while considering them a 'weaker sex', and at the same time, for as long as one can remember, there have been innumerable acts of violence against women by men. What makes Indian men so conflicted? This International Women's Day (March 8), let us focus on what can be done to improve the status of women in society and let us fight the injustices committed against them.

What are the challenges that women face? MSN India interviews eminent female personalities to discuss the mindset of the Indian male. Read inspiring stories of women who have faced numerous challenges to emerge at the top of their chosen fields. From a male perspective, we showcase personalities who suggest reforms to ensure women's welfare. Last but most important, let us pledge to prevent violence against women and raise our voices as one to bring that change.

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

Aditi Poonam ने कहा…

nice ,

Dinesh pareek ने कहा…

सादर जन सधारण सुचना आपके सहयोग की जरुरत
साहित्य के नाम की लड़ाई (क्या आप हमारे साथ हैं )साहित्य के नाम की लड़ाई (क्या आप हमारे साथ हैं )